A Role is a designation that is given to every person (or user) in the Maalka Program and it determines what they can see and do within Maalka. Roles allow you to specify which sites or regions a user can see, what information they can change in those sites, and if they can add new sites, regions, or accounts. This article will take you through the types of Roles that are available to you and help you choose the correct Roles when adding a new user or editing their access levels.
The Maalka program has two different levels of Roles: Primary Roles and Advanced Roles. A Primary Role is assigned to every user and affects their base level of access for ALL sites and regions in Maalka. Every user must have a Primary Role. If you are inviting a user that has access to every site and every region, you only need to give them a Primary Role, but if you are inviting a user who has restricted access to certain sites or groups, they must be given an additional, Advanced Role.
For detailed instruction on how to invite new users and select their Roles, see the Inviting Users guide.
For instructions on how to edit an existing user, see the Managing Users guide.
Users that have access to all sites and all regions in Maalka, will only need Primary Roles. You will only need to select a Role from the first dropdown in the "Invite User" or "Edit User Access" forms.
The following Role can be selected for the Primary Role:
This user can view and change information for all sites and all regions. They can update all accounts, upload data and files, add or remove new sites and regions (manually or through spreadsheet downloads), edit all site and region information, invite new users, remove users, make comments, set data quality rules, and set special program settings such as colors and language. The Administrator is a Role for people who are responsible for managing the entire program, and they have access to everything.
Quick Guide for Inviting or Changing a User to ADMINISTRATOR:
1. Open Invite User or Edit User form
2. Type in email address (ignore this if editing an existing user)
3. Choose ADMINISTRATOR for Role
4. Make sure there are no Advanced Roles.
5. Click Invite User
Users that are given access to specific sites or regions will need to be given the Primary Role, Client View, and one or more Advanced Roles.
Client View
This is a Primary Role that gives basic access to the Maalka Program, but does not give access to any sites or regions. This Role allows users to login and see the program, but they will need to be given an Advanced Role in order to see and navigate to sites. It is not recommended to invite a user with this Primary Role and no Advanced Roles, since the user will only be able to see an empty program.
Region Collaborate
This user can view and change information in all sites within a region, as well as that district's waste accounts. They can upload new files, edit and view all district information, invite new users, and make comments. Region Collaborate is a Role for people who are responsible for managing one or more regions or entering data for those regions.
Quick Guide for Inviting or Changing a User to Region Collaborate:
1. Open Invite User or Edit User form
2. Type in email address (ignore this if editing an existing user)
3. Choose Client View for the first Role
4. Click "Add Advanced Role" button
5. Choose "Region-Level Access" for Type
6. Choose Region Collaborate for Role
7. Select the Region(s) from the table
8. Click "Add Advanced Role" button
9. Choose "Site Access" for Type
10. Choose Site Collaborate for the Role
11. Select the Region from the Region(s) filter
12. Select the checkmark in the table header to select all sites in that region
13. If editing a user, make sure there are no other Advanced Roles aside from those specified.
14. Click Invite
NOTE: If you are inviting a user with access to a region, but not the sites within that region, skip steps 8-12.
Site Collaborate
This user can view all information in their site(s) and enter account data. They can add new files, make comments, edit and view all spreadsheets, and download files. Site Collaborate is a Role for people who are responsible for data entry, analysis, or site management.
Quick Guide for Inviting or Changing a User to Site Collaborate:
1. Open Invite or Edit User popup
2. Type in email address (ignore this if editing an existing user)
3. Choose Client View for the first Role
4. Click "Add Advanced Role" button
5. Choose Site Collaborate for Role
6. Select the site or sites from the table
7. If Editing a user, make sure there are no other Advanced Roles aside from those specified.
8. Click Invite