The Global or Group/Regional Performance Targets Report is the very first tab in the Performance Targets program and is available to all users with access to more than one site.
The Performance Targets Report is a visual presentation of data that shows rollups of historical information for all sites in a Group/Region. It is organized by category - Buildings, Energy, Water, and Emissions - and you can jump to a section by clicking on one of the buttons at the top.
To generate a PDF version of the report to share or print, click the PDF icon on the right side of the header.
You can also email this report directly by clicking on the E-mail Report PDF button.
Most sections in this report show rollups for yearly data. If you would like to see data for a different year than the default (usually set at the most recent year), you can use the dropdown in the report sub-header to select a new year.
The legend on every chart is fully interactive and allows you to filter out specific variables presented in the graph. Click on the item's name filter out the data series you wish to hide.
You can reset any filters you have applied to the charts by selecting the "reset filters" button on the top right of the graph.
The menu on the top right corner of the chart allows you to download chart visuals or data in any of the three available formats: PDF, PNG, and CSV.
The charts that are displayed in the Performance Report are contingent on the data has been entered into or uploaded to a site. Depending on the data available, you may see all or a few of the charts described below. Also, if some sites have been added to your portfolio and do not have a total floor area or energy/water data associated with them, they will not be included in the group level report rollups.
Top Level Statistics: These statistics show total calculations for all buildings in the report for each resource and building section. The "Total Buildings" box displays the number of buildings with sufficient data to be reported, and all subsequent statistic boxes display data for those buildings.
Building Size by Floor Area: This column chart and its associated table shows the number of buildings in your report that fall within a specified range of Total Floor Area. It allows a quick examination of the size of buildings in your portfoilio.
Floor Area by Building Type: This is a box plot that displays floor area distribution for each building type with 5 or more buildings. Up to 10 building types can be displayed at a time. If a building is associated with a type that has less than 5 buildings, or if the chart has exceeded the maximum of 10 building types and a building falls into a less common building type, the building will be included in the "Other" category.
Floor Area Breakdown by Building Type: This table breaks down buildings and their floor area by building type.
Energy, Water, or Emissions Breakdown by Type: The pie chart and associated table display a breakdown of energy, water, or emissions by type consumed in the portfolio.
Total Portfolio Site Energy, Water or Emissions - All Years: This stacked bar chat shows each energy, water, or emissions type that is used within your portfolio, and how that usage has changed throughout the years. Since this chart displays totals, the usage will be dependent on how many buildings there are in your portfolio, and which ones have data associated with them.
Performance by Energy, Water or Emissions Usage - All Years: This table breaks down buildings and their energy, water or emissions usage for all years with associated data. The bottom row shows an increase or decrease in usage within the last two years.
Year to Year Trends: This chart is meant to be associated with your Portfolio's baseline and/or targets, and shows how close you are to meeting your EUI, WUI, or EI reduction goals.
EUI, WUI, or EI by Building Type: This is a box plot that displays EUI, WUI, or EI distribution for each building type with 5 or more buildings. Up to 10 building types can be displayed at a time. If a building is associated with a type that has less than 5 buildings, or if the chart has exceeded the maximum of 10 building types and a building falls into a less common building type, the building will be included in the "Other" category.
Energy Use Intensity, Water Use Intensity, or Emissions Intensity by Building Type: This section summarizes the number of buildings and their energy usage, water usage, or emissions by building type.