Programs in the Maalka application are context-rich environments for understanding your data through specific visualizations, analytics, and other features. Programs provide workflows that guide users to understand information through different lenses and trends. The Performance Targets program is designed to show data from a goal-oriented perspective by allowing users to set targets and baselines for various resource types such as energy, water, emissions, and transportation.
To switch to the Performance Targets program from the Maalka program, simply select the Performance Targets icon on the secondary navigation bar. If you have access to more than one instance of the same program, you can select your program from the dropdown list.
If you need to switch back to Maalka, you can do so by clicking the button with the Maalka logo.
The features and tools available in the Performance Targets program were designed to allow users to edit and view goal-based analytics and reports. Like the Maalka program, these "tabs" are available at two levels: Global and Site, and a user's access level is dependent upon the privileges that have been set for them.
Users with access to the Global Level may be able to view and/or edit to the following tabs:
Performance Report - This section displays the high level Performance Targets report for all sites in your portfolio, or within a group.
Analytics - This page displays visualizations of group-level data and targets.
Publish Reports - In this tab, you can see all the reports that you have made live - or published. You can also publish additional reports here or create a Mail Merge document.
Edit Reports - This section allows users to edit aspects of the site-level or group-level performance targets reports including: The header image or logo, the descriptions for the high-level section charts, and the Energy section Site Comparison year chart.
Edit Baselines - This section allows users to edit or create baselines and targets for all of their reports.
Contacts - The Contacts tab allows users to view and add contacts for sites or groups.
Users with access to any of the sites at Site Level will be able to view and/or edit to the following tabs after navigating to a site:
Performance Report - This is where the site-level report can be viewed and downloaded.
Edit Reports - This section allows users to update the header image or logo for their Performance Targets report.
Edit Baselines - This section allows users to edit baselines or targets for their Performance Targets report.
Contacts - The Contacts tab allows users to view and add contacts for the site.