After navigating to a school, you can see some information about that school in the school info section, such as, the school name, the district it is part of, and its location on the map.
To see more detailed information about the school, and to edit this information, click the edit button next to the school name.
This will open a popup form that is separated into four different categories: Basic Site Info, Additional Info, Site Use, and Site Settings.
This section contains information about the school's main buildings and its geographical location. Some of this information may have already been filled out when the school was added to the Maalka system, and not all of it is required. For more information about these fields, go here.
The Additional Info section has details about the school and its programs and should be filled out by the school's primary START user or users. Here you can add your school logo, provide contact information, and add other information about your school's sustainability programs.
The Site Use section can provide some information about other uses for the school or campus, but these details are not required. If your district uses Energy Star Portfolio Manager, some of this information may already have been added. You can add new use subtypes by clicking the plus button and filling out the popup form.
This section provides some additional configuration options for your school. If you are using the Maalka program to track your energy usage, you may want to update energy unit information and currency.