Programs in the Maalka application are context-rich environments for understanding your data through specific visualizations, analytics, and other features. Programs provide workflows that guide users to understand information through different lenses and trends. The Benchmark Compliance program is designed to help you quality check and manage your data uploads.
To switch to the Benchmark Compliance program from the Maalka program, simply select the Benchmark Compliance icon on the secondary navigation bar. If you have access to more than one instance of the same program, you can select your program from a dropdown list.
If you need to switch back to Maalka, you can do so by clicking the button with the Maalka logo.
The features and tools available in the Benchmark Compliance program were designed to allow users to validate and manage their ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® data. Like the Maalka program, these tabs are available at two levels: Global and Site, and a user's access level is dependent upon the privileges that have been set for them.
Users with access to the Global Level will be able to view and/or edit to the following tabs:
Status - This section provides a filterable list of all sites in your program, with each site's Exemption Status, Compliance Status, Last Modified Date, ID Status, and more. If there are any conflicts with your building ID's, you can resolve them in the Conflicts Tab.
Data Quality - This tab lists all sites, but with an emphasis each site's data. Any problems with data from one of three categories: Performance, Building Fields, and Data Alerts - are represented as red icons which can be expanded for more information.
Contacts - This tab displays all contacts for sites within a group. Contacts can be updated here and any actions related to them can be tracked.
Files - This is where any files that may have been uploaded or imported into Maalka are kept.
Users with access to any of the sites at Site Level will be able to view and/or edit to the following tabs after navigating to a site:
Benchmark Compliance Status - You can change the compliance status for each site from this location. It is also where each site's contact information and history can be viewed and updated.
Data Quality - This tab displays a site's data quality through one of three categories: Performance, Building Fields, and Data Alerts. These categories are represented as icons which may be red or blue depending if errors are present or absent.
Contacts - This tab displays all contacts within a site. Contacts can be updated here and any actions related to them can be tracked.
Files - This is where any files that may have been uploaded or imported into Maalka are kept.