

Site EUI - Maalka defines Site Energy Use Intensity as total energy-use consumed at a site from all renewable and non-renewable sources, divided by building size.

Site RPI -
Maalka defines Renewable Production Intensity as total energy-use consumed at a site from all on-site renewable sources, divided by building size.

Gross Total Energy -
The total energy from all renewable and non-renewable sources.

Total Renewable Energy -
A general term that includes energy-use from on-site renewable sources.

Off-Site Generated Electricity -
Any electricity generated outside of site boundaries, such as a coal plant.

On-Site Renewable Electricity -
Any electricity generated within site boundaries, such as solar panels.

District Steam - Steam that is produced outside site boundaries and transferred into the site through pipes.

District Hot Water - Hot water that is produced outside site boundaries and is transferred into the site through pipes.

District Chilled Water -
Chilled water that is produced outside site boundaries and is transferred into the site through pipes.

Fuel Oil #1 -
A distillate oil intended for vaporizing pot-type burners. Former names include: coal oil, stove oil, and range oil.

Fuel Oil #2 - A distillate home heating oil, sometimes known as Bunker A.

Fuel Oil #4 -
A commercial heating oil for burner installations not equipped with preheaters.

Fuel Oil #6 -
A high-viscosity residual oil requiring preheating, which may be known as residual fuel oil (RFO).


Site WUI - Maalka defines Water Use Intensity as all water (potable, well, reclaimed, other) consumed at the site (indoor, outdoor), divided by building size.

Site Potable WUI (Performance Targets Report) - Maalka defines Potable Water Use Intensity as all indoor potable water consumed at the site, divided by building size.

Total Water -
The total water (all types) consumed on site (indoor and outdoor) from all sources.

Indoor Potable Water -
Drinkable water used in a site's indoor plumbing.

Potable Water Mixed/Indoor- Drinkable water that is used both inside and outside

Irrigation Water -
Water used for outdoor plant growth, conducted through various transportation systems.

Reclamation Water -
Wastewater that has been treated and repurposed.


EI - Maalka defines Emissions Intensity as CO2 emissions from all sources divided by building size.

Total Emissions  -
All CO2 emissions generated from building use and construction

Scope 1 Emissions - a.k.a. Direct Emissions are emissions associated with onsite fuel combustion (e.g. combustion of natural gas or fuel oil).

Scope 2 Emissions -
a.k.a. Indirect Emissions are emissions that occur outside your site boundaries, for the generation of electricity, district steam, district hot water, or district chilled water.


E-Waste - Waste that is collected from electronics equipment. Collected at the regional or global level only.

Construction Waste -
Waste that is generated from site construction or renovations.

Business Waste - Waste that is generated from normal business operations, such as paper, batteries, compost.