Updating the Audit Status

Users that have the Audit Status features enabled, can see the current status of all files in their portolio or site.

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If you need to update the status, and have the required permissions, you can change the status at any time by opening the Audit Status log. Click on the menu icon next to the file name and select, Open Audit Log.

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Once inside the Audit Log, you can see a history of all status changes for the file. To update this status, use the empty, top row of the table. Click the Select New Status dropdown to see the available options.

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Select a status from the list. The top line will turn blue, indicating that an unsaved change has been made. You may notice that the User and Date fields have already been filled out with your user name and the current date. Select the Save button to close the modal and update the Files table with the new status.

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