"Groups" (called "Regions" for some users), are a collection of sites, organized so that users can see analytic rollups, notifications, and data quality for all included sites. Some Groups/Regions may have special accounts or files associated with them.
To navigate to a Group/Region, use the dropdown in the blue navigation bar.
This will take you to the Group/Region Level of the Maalka program where you can access Group/Region specific tools and rollups and see all sites within that Group/Region.
You can create a new Group or Region by selecting the "Add New Group" ("Add New Region") option from the + button at the top of your screen. This can be accessed from anywhere in Maalka.
Type in a name for your Group/Region and select the sites you would like to include. Any site that is "checked" from the list will be part of your new Group/Region.
When you are done, click Save.
To add or remove sites from and existing Group/Region, click the gear icon located at the top of your screen and select "Edit Group."
From here you can change the name of the Group/Region and check or uncheck sites from the site list. First, select the Group/Region you wish to edit.
Now you can change the name of the selected Group/Region, add or remove sites, or delete the Group/Region from your program. To remove a site from your Group/Region, uncheck it from the list. To add new sites, you must first uncheck the View Sites in Group Only box.
Then check all sites from the list you wish to include in you Group/Region.
When you are done, click Save.
If you want to permanently delete the Group/Region, click the red Delete button on the bottom corner of the form.